Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Last of Us Review

It's a Long Way Down

I'm going to cut right to the chase. The Last of Us is the greatest game I have ever played. Not only that, but the greatest story I've had the chance to follow from beginning to end, as well as introducing me to my favorite character duo of anything I've ever seen, played, or read. The Last of Us is a master blend of intricate storytelling, technically excellent gameplay, and an immersive atmosphere.

The Last of Us tells the story of An older man named Joel, and a fourteen year old girl named Ellie, following their journey across the country twenty years after a virus outbreak ravages humanity. Watching their relationship grow from a mutual dislike to a loving father-daughter relationship.  For the longest time, I thought Nolan North (who is also in TLOU) was the king of voice acting ranging from Nathan Drake, Deadpool, and a fantastic optional voice in Saints Row IV. This is no longer the case. The new king and queen are Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson. When you listen to their conversations, you cannot help but be engrossed in all of Ellie's witty quips, and Joel's evasive answers. Ellie quickly becomes the star of TLOU, and her questions about what the world was like before the outbreak, her sarcastic remarks, and her loyalty to Joel make her an incredibly in-depth character unlike any other I've ever seen in a game. Much of this effect is thanks to excellent sound design; guns have a satisfying kick and pop, the sound of a looming clicker in the dark is rightfully terrifying, and realistic voice effect across rooms make everything feel real. 
TLOU's graphics are also unparalleled, showing us once again that no one has better graphical chops than developer Naughty Dog. Textures are incredibly detailed, character models are the most realistic I've ever seen, lighting is hauntingly real, everything is just... Real. That's the best word I can use to describe The Last of Us, real. 

The Last of Us doesn't feel like a game, it is an experience. I didn't want it to end, just before the credits rolled I was hoping so dearly that there was more of Ellie and Joel for me to experience. This review is shorter than they normally are, but there is absolutely nothing to critique about this game. I find no flaws, and that is immensely for someone with a critic's eye, such as myself.
 If you own a PS3, there is absolutely no excuse for you not to own this game. It's a ride unbelievably worth taking, and once I get a PS4, I will have no problem getting the Remastered edition. 

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