Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Quick Apology

I apologize for not posting recently. I know there may be a small number of you out there that look forward to my posts, and I am sorry that I have kept you waiting for so long. My last post was almost three weeks ago, not acceptable in my book, and I RUN the dang site. Sorry I took so long, so here's a special treat. A list of my favorite songs, why that it is so, and a few honorable mentions. Take a look.


  1. Hey! Its okay. Don't feel bad about it. Life gets in the way sometimes. I'm just glad there's another post. Looking forward to more stuff!

  2. Dude, its totally O K!! Sometimes things just get busy, but hey: "it is what it is" :/
    In the words of some of my favorite songs: "no worries, about a thing, 'cuz every little thing is gonna be alright"; "and remember to let her into your heart, then you can start to make it better" :)
    Keep up the great posts man! "And the force will be with you... always" (0B1 Kanobi, Star Wars IV: A New Hope)
