Friday, January 3, 2014

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty: Review

I've seen hundreds of movies in my lifetime, and almost all of which I have truly liked, save a few. I also have an odd love for movies, and especially the ones that others don't have a taste for. Example: Scott Pilgrim VS. The World is one of my favorite movies, and you may be looking at this thinking, "I have never even heard of that." I've seen stories of redemption, and stories of defeat. Stories that aren't really have no real meaning whatsoever, and I've followed plots to great lengths to figure out what it all means. My top five movies include, in no real order; Dead Poets Society, The Godfather, Scott Pilgrim VS. The World, Forest Gump, and my newest addition: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

Ben Stiller shines in this adaptation of the beloved short story by James Thurber. I walked in doubting his directing skills, as I have only seen him in decent comedies and lackluster children's movies. I walked out wishing he had directed even more movies. Everywhere you turn, there is a little prize waiting for you. In video games, we call these things "easter eggs", and they are something that you wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't gone looking for it. My favorite of the movie (no spoilers) is a large cardboard poster of Ringo Star's head on the cover of LIFE Magazine, promoting the Beatles newly released album, "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band". In the next scene, Walter is seen walking across the street, and behind him is a little chalk drawing of a sun with the words, "Here Comes The Sun" surrounding it. Here Comes the Sun is one of the more popular songs within SPLHCB. I leapt for joy in my seat when my eyes feasted on this delight of allusion.

Walter Mitty is incredibly likable, and you can't help but root for him and his quest throughout the whole movie. He's an incredibly relatable character, more so than I've seen in most movies of this vein. You smile when he smiles, you laugh when he laughs, you are encapsulated in his daydreams as if you were having them yourself.  Walter is beautifully realistic, and I find many of his qualities inside myself. Ben Stiller was excellent, and I wish he had received more credit than he has. Kristen Wiig was also excellent. I'm used to seeing her on Saturday Night Live, and she's incredibly funny there. I'm elated to see her brought in to a dramatic light, and can now be considered as a serious actress. She was an incredibly well thought out love interest for Walter as well, and I don't think I would have liked her better played by anyone else. That includes Jennifer Lawrence, and I LOVE her.

The cinematography and sound quality is also something to be noted. Each scene is displayed in glorious detail, with artistic camera work every where you turn. It made the film feel less like a movie, and more like an experience. The soundtrack is a brilliant blend of modern and old-school pop songs, and the major theme of the movie, David Bowie's "Space Oddity", is the perfect medium for portraying is overall message. They display the songs message in two different lights, each with it's respective arguments. I hadn't ever thought about the song more than just being a great tune. I was delighted to have learned something about a classic which I thought I had known plenty about.

Go see The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. It's the best movie of 2013, and one of the best I've ever seen.

Score: 10 (out of 10)

1 comment:

  1. "Here Comes the Sun" is off Abbey Road, not Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
