Sunday, January 12, 2014

My Top Ten Favorite Video Games of All Time: #7 Super Mario 3D World

(This article also serves as my review for the game)

Super Mario 3D World

This game is "unlike" any other platformer I've ever played. Besides, well, every other 3D Mario game in existence. It's nearly the same as all of its brethren, the only thing different is a new power up and cooperative system. But the fact that it IS the same as it predecessors makes it so enjoyable.

Even if you have never touched a video game in your lifetime, you have most likely heard of the Super Mario Brothers. They are those Italian plumber brothers who wear red and green as well as their signature hats, overalls, and brown loafers. And they jump. A lot. In Super Mario 3D World, Nintendo's latest Mario offering, you and three buddies jump, whip fireballs, throw boomerangs, dodge assortments of enemies (or destroy them), and prance around in crazy cat suits climbing walls.

Sound ridiculous? Be glad that it is exactly that.

Mario and friends each have their own special abilities that puts each at a slight advantage over the others, but they are so well balanced that no character felt substantially better than the others. Mario controls tighter, Luigi jumps higher, Peach can float horizontally for a short period of time, and Toad is the fastest. Roselina, from Super Mario Galaxy, can be unlocked after the main story and has her own special abilities as well. She is slightly slower than the rest of the group, but is the only Mario character that is built in with an attack other than jumping. Each character controls exceptionally well, and only once or twice throughout the whole game did I feel that I was cheated with death by controls that didn't respond properly. Props to Nintendo for keeping Mario as tight as ever, something that many other platformers seem to struggle with.

Each stage is staggeringly varied, and the overall game is much better off for it. In almost every other Mario game, each world has a specific theme of levels. While the first world mostly followed this pattern, the rest proved to be interestingly varied. All of the levels as superbly designed, right down to the very last flower that really has no meaning what so ever. Textures look great as well as the character models that roam each stage. It's about time Mario got a full HD makeover. The only complaint I have about the levels is that the first four worlds are much too easy. It isn't till the later fourth world levels that the game finally challenges you well. I understand that Mario games lean towards a younger demographic, but a bit of a challenge earlier on would have been nice. That being said, when the game turns up the heat...

Prepare to get burned.

I never once played this game without my younger brother Jake, and we had an absolute blast. Usually when we play video games with each other, some sort of argument breaks out. The only thing that broke out when we played was laughter, at each other, and the silly things we were doing. Super Mario 3D World is an exceptional game. This game beats other platformers of the same vein by leaps and bounds, and finally took the spot as my favorite Mario game, trumping Super Mario Sunshine. I never thought I would have a Mario game in my top ten, but Nintendo's latest offering of the dynamic duo made me think differently. Thanks for making Mario finally mean something to me again. 

Score: 10/10 (out of ten)


  1. I firmly disagree with your point on the game being easy at the beginning. No one bought this game expecting the new Super Meat Boy.

    However, to someone who has near 100% completed the game (i refuse to replay every level with the characters i missed) the game was a real challenge specifically the last three levels which are brutal. The game still lends itself to a younger audience, but for veteran players holds 3 extra worlds to play with an increased difficulty, the 3rd and 4th worlds require a "100% completion". The absolute final level reduces the thousands of lives you've accumulated to dust. I could care less if the beginning levels were easy.

  2. I wasn't expecting Super Meat Boy either (I've never played it but I hope to some day). It was just an observation, I meant no harm by it.
