Sunday, October 27, 2013

Call of Duty VS Halo

This is a dreaded question to all gamers. I've followered both games diligently since their beginnings, and I have my opinion. But I want to hear yours. Which series is overall better? I'm talking about the series as a whole and not just singular games. I'm not going to say what I think, but I want to get a discussion going. I will NOT tolerate dumb comments such as "Call of Duty is just better." Tell us why. Explain yourself. Tell us why you like one side and don't another. Go.


  1. Halo is totally better. Call of Duty SUCKS. Mostly because the setting of CoD is just abysmal and gets repetitive real fast. Also, the community for CoD is just awful and toxic. I have an awful time playing CoD. Halo on the other hand is so much more fun to play and requires more skill.

    1. OMG do you really think that Halo is better than Call of Duty?!? Halo is more like GAY-low. The game is SOOOOO fake, at least in Call of Duty the weapons actually exist and could actually happen. And Halo requires more skill? How many people in Halo actually use the scope? All they do is hip shot. They go PEW PEW PEW until random HEAD-SHOT. And you think the CoD community is awful? At least there is no TEAM KILLING in CoD unlike some game I know...

    2. Okay, listen here you little piece of crap. I bet you're some dumb ignorant 10 year old fanboy who wasn't even born when CoD started. You're probably too feeble minded to actually know what a good game is! And do you even play CoD? It's the HOMOSEXUAL game with all the queers on the mic. And using a scope doesn't give skill considering in CoD that its all about who can have a spastic epileptic episode on the controller first! No skill, just ridiculous firing. Get a REAL game.

    3. Well at least I'm closer in age to play Mature games unlike you. Call of Duty has more gore and blood, more realism and has more realistic scenarios! And Halo is definitely as bad as Call of Duty in voice chat matters. Well at least we have queers, unlike the baby kids YOUR GAME HAS! And those "Spastic epileptic episodes" are called honed reflexes. And by the way October 29, 2003. Eat it Punk
