Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Math. My Mortal Enemy.

There are subjects in school we all hate. Have you ever met a person in your whole life who has loved every single class they've ever taken? I can almost guarentee you haven't, because somebody has to dislike something, or else there wouldn't be opinions. That class for me, is math. And I'm not the only person in this world who hates math, I find that a majority of people do. Which is fine. BECAUSE MATH ANNOYS ME. There's a poster in my math room and it explains the rules on doing math in general. One of them stuck out to me. I may be paraphrasing this but it went something like, "Look at problems in a abstract and quantitative way." 
You are being asked to look at something in a way that makes sense, while also looking at it in a way that makes LITTLE sense. See, this is math. Frustrating, annoying, aggravating, and GPA-lowering. I have a D in my Trig class. I never get D's, unless it's a math class. Math does not come naturally to most people, in fact I find it rare that people understand new material quickly. Out whole class seems to be struggling like I, yet I am the only one I know of with a D. I just hate math. End of story.


  1. I just started to read your blog and some of your thoughts are interesting and I anticipate more however I do have some thoughts on your ideas of Math.

    Well you know that phrase of a abstract and quantitative way is really not about not making sense and making sense.This phrase makes students understand the relationships between problem scenarios and mathematical representation, as well as how the symbols represent strategies for solution. As well, Math is something that is constant, but there is a changing dynamic of variables. Sometimes all that is needed is some more effort and studying is involved. So those are my thoughts on math.

    Sincerely, Steve

    1. Hey, Steve. Pretty good thoughts. But c'mon, lay off of him. Math can be tough.
