Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Social Media Suckers

I'll admit, social media can be pretty fantastic. Sometimes I do like to know what my friends are up to! I can be like, "Hey that person took a really cool picture of them and their family in California!" Awesome, great, fantastic. Then there are tons of homecoming and prom pictures that I like to skim through. This year I did not attend my school's homecoming, therefore I would like to know how great all my friends looked! I can contact my friends in instances when I do not have thier phone number. I can create events in which I can invite people to and have a constant stream of information they can access and say, "Hey look, party at the Mickel's house on such and such date at such and such time." Those are all fantastic, don't get me wrong. But then there are the downsides. I have an Instagram. And like this very blog you are reading, I post things I find legitimately interesting. No selfies, no inspiring quotes, just a lot of movies, video games, books, actors, and Batman. I like Batman. But one thing I CANNOT stand is when people go through their news feed and "like" EVERY FREAKING THING. As I am writing this very post, my iPhone continually notifies me that, people who absolutely do not care whatsoever about my post on Call of Duty: Ghosts, are liking my picture. One of them happens to be an 11 year old girl. Who has most likely never played Call of Duty. Why does she like these things? I have no idea. I would ask her myself but I would come across as rude. Or when, as fore mentioned, people (girls mainly) take a weird looking selfie, add dozens of filters, and top it off with an "inspirational quote" that has nothing to do with the picture posted. It drives me nuts. If you do the previously mentioned social media annoyances, STOP IT. Thank you. And to quote/paraphrase the great Toby Turner, "Bless your face. And if you sneezed during this blog post, bless you. Mickel out." 

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