Wednesday, November 6, 2013

5 Reasons Why I Love Owl City

We all have heard of Owl City. And if you haven't heard of him by name, you have most likely heard "Good Time" featuring Carly Rae Jepson, or "Fireflies", an older song yet still one of my favorites. And let's be honest, when you listen to Owl City you can't help but feel happier. Whenever "When Can I See You Again?" comes on to my iPhone, I can't help but smile and think back on watching "Wreck-it-Ralph" with one of my ex-girlfriends, who I am still good friends with today. Or when "Fireflies" appears, I find myself thinking about my older cousin Jack who showed me the band. So now, here are five reasons why I love Owl City.

1.) Adam Young (Owl City) writes songs that relate to my life in some way
The lyrics I posted yesterday are ones that particularly stood out to me. I had a huge crush on a girl named AnnMarie, just like Adam, and the way he describes her through the melody is exactly how she is in real life. Sweet, caring, and beautiful. When I think of "Good Time" I think of jumping around with my friends at my previous school's homecoming in 2012, and how much I miss those times with them. "Vanilla Twilight" puts my heart of love in to song. My souls shakes when I sing the final chorus of "Fireflies". "Hello Seattle" rekindles my imagination, and no matter what I'm doing I have to stop because he creates such simple yet vivid pictures for my mind use and sends it reeling.

2.) His melodies are like none other
With the exception of "Shooting Star", which sounds like it was ripped from the pages of Katy Perry's songbook, I can find no other artist nor band that has a even similar sound to Owl City. His song, "Angels", sticks particularly out in my mind. I've rarely heard a song that can bring you in soft and slow, and then suddenly throw you in to a loud, bubbly melody and not sound obnoxious. "Angels" does this masterfully. It's tremendously easy to get "Fireflies" or "Good Time" stuck in your head just by hearing the song on the radio. "Lonely Lullaby" is so beautifully impactful that I like to hear the song multiple times in a row, which is incredibly rare for a guy like me who loves so many types of music.

3.) His mental pictures are vivid
"Vanilla Twilight" is on the forefront of my mind with this one, as well as "Hello Seattle" as fore mentioned. I can only imagine what a vanilla twilight is like, and it looks gorgeous in my mind. I can nearly feel the setting in which he tells his story. As I said before, "Hello Seattle" is a bombardment of beautiful botany, voluptuous visuals, and shimmering shorelines. "Fireflies" tells a cute story of an insomniac and his fireflies, and I can picture how it went in many different forms. His lyrics take me places I never would have expected to go.

4.) He writes song how I think I would write songs
I am a horrible song writer. Absolutely terrible. Give me any topic, I'll write on it. Don't give me a topic, I'll make one and write a narrative. But sit me in a music room and tell me to write a song, I can't do it. Though if I could write songs, I would end up writing like Adam Young. He uses narrative as his driving force, as do I. He uses a plethora of pleasant verbs and phrases, and tells stories in an abstract, beautiful way. I love his writing, I want to write like him. I can't write songs, but if I did I would/want to write like Owl City

5.) He's a Christian
If you didn't already know, I am a Christian, and I am not afraid to proclaim that all over the world. So is Adam Young. Now, if you aren't a Christian, or dislike Christians, I ask that you continue to read this blog and listen to Owl City's music. If you stop, I'm ok with that, but would prefer if you did not. He uses a lot of God's word in his songs, like his song "Galaxies" is all about following God to the ends of the universe. He's also been proclaimed to be the most popular Christian artist ever, topping TobyMac, David Crowder, and Skillet. And I like this because 1.) I'll see him in heaven, so he can give me music lessons and 2.) It makes his music feel more relatable to me. We both love the same Lord of the Universe.

And those are my five reasons for loving Owl City.


  1. Dude your writing is so great. It always brings me joy to read your awesome posts! Keep it up dude! Have you ever considered writing a book or something larger than a blog post?

  2. I've tried writing a book, but it hasn't gone very well, I end up losing interest half way through. Though I am writing a short story at the moment titled "Down".
    Thanks for your feedback by the way!

  3. I would love to see your short story when you are done. What is it about?

  4. Maybe I'll post it in a document or something of that sort! I greatly appreciate your interest in my work. Both of you!
