Wednesday, November 27, 2013

My Top Ten Favorite Video Games: #10- Mirror's Edge

#10: Mirror's Edge
A cult classic in the world of gaming, DICE's first-person parkour shooter took me by the hands and never let go. Since it's debut in 2008, the world's first slice of first-person free-running has become a classic. Ever since it was introduced to me by a buddy just a few years later, I can't help but fill this list with it's presence. It's an adrenaline rush, I can tell you that.  It's blend of acrobatics, gunplay, and interesting story makes for an exceptional experience. Now, I will admit, it's not perfect. The graphics are great yes, but they aren't The Last of Us. The hand-to-hand combat can be clunky, and the gunplay less than satisfying (what little there is). And sometimes the free-running can give out at the moments where you need it to work most. And it's short. Like 6 hours. That's not a lot for modern day gaming. Call of Duty Ghosts is 10 hours long, and that's just running and gunning. So why do I love this game so much?
The environment engrossed me. I felt as if I was Faith, the protagonist in the game. I felt every movement, every punch, every sickening fall; I have never felt as if I had more control than when I play Mirror's Edge. I've sold many games back to GameStop before, but I will never sell my copy of Mirror's Edge. I've played Mirror's Edge's main story more times than I can count, and I enjoy it more and more each endeavor. And I LOVE parkour.
Those who know me personally know that I use parkour as an adjective now, something that's so incredibly pro. Or I'll even just yell it out randomly and do some super lame stunt with it. And I've found only two series that give me a full parkour experience: Mirror's Edge and Assassin's Creed (which has not made this list).
The level design is also impeccable. Each level is incredibly varied, ranging from dashing through a sewer system, to climbing the interior of a major corporation, to escaping a SWAT Team filled mall under construction. I love each level, and that's something I can say only about one other game.
The technological side of the game may not meet the production values of a Naughty Dog game, or the 60 frames-per-second smoothness of a Call of Duty title, but Mirror's Edge has the some of the most soul I've ever felt in a video game. DICE announced a remake of Mirror's Edge at 2013's E3 conference over the summer saying that this is what Mirror's Edge should have been. And I am more than stoked. Hats off to you Faith, and to DICE as well. Thanks for making Mirror's Edge my tenth favorite game.

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