Thursday, November 28, 2013

Once Again, Thanksgiving Passes Us By

Some of you are probably thinking, "What? I love Thanksgiving!" Yeah, well so did I. Thanksgiving IS about family, thanking the Lord and everyone around us for the love and compassion they've given us. Thanks for the things we are fortunate to have that some others don't. And sometimes even thankful for the "little things, like the shining sun, or even the biting cold. Thanksgiving used to mean that. Then came along corporate America, thinking that we don't have enough to give thanks for. So they set up Black Friday, which is poorly named thanks to Black Tuesday and Black Thursday of the stock market crash in October of 1929. Now, I don't mind the idea of a day set aside that gives buyers MASSIVE saving on generally expensive items. Like hundreds of dollars off of crystal clear TV's, or blockbuster video games for ten bucks, or giant savings on computers and appliances. In fact, all that is wonderful, except America's sense of timing.
Black Friday, used to be in fact Black FRIDAY. Now you can't even watch a Target commercial without them claiming to open on 8 PM THURSDAY. Walmart starts it's savings at 6 PM! This cuts in to precious family time that could be spent for many more hours before even planning to go shopping all through the night to find gargantuan deals. I remember when Black Friday used to only start at Midnight, which was perfectly acceptable to me. You could have a wonderful family dinner, clean up, and be able to take a quick power nap by 10 o'clock and get up at 11:30 to let the madness begin. Why, after a day of giving thanks, do we have to get greedy and spend a ton of money on stuff we want? It astounds me that America's moral compass has fallen so far off track that we can't realize that simple truth. And the sad part is, that at the time of this writing, there is most likely people already lining up outside some store, wanting to be the first person to grab their $400 TV. Those people choose material items, over family. I know that many family situations aren't good. In fact, I'm incredibly blessed to say that I love every moment I spend with my family. I have friends who tell me everyday how much they hate their family for this and that reason. It makes my heart hurt, it truly does. To think that someone can say that they HATE their family astounds me, and I only see two reasons why. 1.) They are being overdramatic and their life really doesn't suck that much or 2.) Their family life is truly terrible. Thankfully, number one is usually the case, though I do stumble upon some number 2-ers. And it makes me cry inside.
By now you must be wondering what the point I am trying to make is. My point in saying all this is: don't forget to give thanks. Maybe you're like me and you have a wonderfully fun family who you can't love anymore than you already do. Maybe this year, you're spending thanksgiving alone. Maybe you're trying your hardest to get in that Black Friday line. Maybe you can't wait till Thanksgiving dinner is over so you can lock yourself in your room and read a book. Remember what you do have. Please, don't let this holiday's meaning be muddled like other's that have come before it so quickly. Give thanks for what you have. Give thanks for your wonderful family. Give thanks for all the memories you have of your family. Give thanks that you got a good spot in line. Give thanks that you actually have a family, and that book you're reading. Just be thankful.

Now I have a small statement for the things I'm thankful for.
In past Thanksgivings, I've given lame prayers to the Lord for the things I'm thankful. Though this year I have a laundry list of excellent things I'm thankful for. I thank the Lord everyday for the excellent family I have. All of my cousins, young and old, have been in my life and have changed it for the better. I specifically give thanks for my older cousins Kevin and Jack, their influence on me has made me what I am today. I wouldn't be a drummer without them. I wouldn't love video games like I do without them. I wouldn't know any great Christian rock bands without them. I wouldn't have guys I could turn to for everything. Thank you.
I thank God for my amazing parents. They've made me a stronger believer, they've helped me through thick and thin, and they aren't afraid to give me a smack upside the head when I need it. They are spiritual leaders, and there's nothing I wouldn't do to keep my parents. I love you guys so much.
I thank the Lord that I have my newly discovered Spotlight family. There's a saying we have in Spotlight Kane County, "Kane is a family." This couldn't be any truer. I love all of you. You have been so supportive, you have always been there even when I wasn't there for you. I've become a better actor, singer, and person because of this group of amazing kids. I've grown closer to the Lord thanks to you and all your faiths. I need to mention my best friend in the whole world, Maggie. She's the person I can tell everything, and she can tell me everything as well. She's always there. 100% of the time, always caring. She's the older sister I don't have. She's given me such good advice for life, and we can just sit back and watch a stupid movie like Scott Pilgrim and she's laughing with me. We can go out to Noodles and Company for lunch and then just walk around Walmart. We can just talk. I pray every day that as she leaves for college that we never lose touch. I don't know what I'd do without her.
I am so thankful for the roof over my head, a warm house, some pretty spectacular pets, and the best dork for a brother anyone could ask for. I may be hard on him, but I do love him. I'm thankful for the gifts God has blessed me with. I'm thankful for music, and the ability to express myself through it. I'm thankful for the stage, and the ability to play crazy roles with skill. I'm thankful for God, my light and my all. The one who bled and died for me, and saved me through something I deserved and he did not. I thankful for the ability to be thankful and not be the selfish jerk I am usually. And lastly, I am thankful for Batman. Thank YOU, for taking the time to read this. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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