Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Memorable Character Award: GLaDOS

GLaDOS (Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System), is undeniably brilliant. Throughout the immensely short campaign of the first Portal game, just a small addition to The Orange Box. GLaDOS kept you attentive. You could tell something was up from the beginning.

"As part of a required Enrichment Center protocol, the previous statement that we would not monitor the test area was a complete fabrication. We will stop enhancing the truth in three... two... *zzzt*"

GLaDOS is something else. There is no other character out there that even comes close to GLaDOS's twisted charm and raging personality. Her sarcasm is uncanny, and her dialogue is masterfully crafted thanks to Valve's expert team of writers. To be incredibly blunt, GLaDOS nearly carried Portal and Portal 2. And that's really saying something, because Valve's first person puzzler is in my top ten video games ever. Portal 2's gameplay is flawless, and GLaDOS's sense of comedic timing makes Portal even more of a masterpiece.

"That thing is probably some sort of raw sewage container. Go ahead and rub your face all over it."

Her voice actor, Ellen McClain, plays GLaDOS's elegantly. Well, as elegant as you can be through a voice distorter reading lines for a sadistic, amoral robot. And that's one more thing that is so excaptional about GLaDOS, is that she's not even a person, she's a self-aware AI. She once was a human, but when we encounter her, she is not. GLaDOS has been realized as an incredible character by many other sites and magazines. Gameinformer magazine named her the greatest video game character of all time in one of their issues. I whole heartedly agree. GLaDOS will be forever remembered in the gaming universe as one of the greatest characters ever. Congratulations GLaDOS, you've won the first ever Memorable Character Award from The Blackboard Journal.

"Cake, and grief counseling, will be available at the conclusion of the test."

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